Male Female friendships

Who else feels like the importance of friendships has always been downplayed in favour of romantic relationships and family relations. Subconsciously we have been made to feel guilty for wanting our friends more but well luckily some of us have unapologetically chosen to differ and the experiences have been worthwhile . Am a proud member of the female male bestie club and today my male bestie makes it from the gallery to my digital unfiltered life documentary . Me and you know it was just a matter of time ,the show off in me wouldn’t let 14 years of beautiful experiences go undocumented .

If Boy meets girl at 18/ 19 witness her transformation through innocence to flawed adult isn’t a success story then i dnt know what would . It has always been loyalty without intention to bed for me, Just like any other female adult has experienced the pressure of” am not your brother so what did you think money spent on you meant?” “Am not your brother so what did you think giving you that job without an interview meant?”” Am not your brother so what did you think time spent with you meant?” In a world where the end goal is usually the “benefits” boss sleeps with maid , office lit sex experiences , one night stands its such a breather to ever find a man to experience life with in a different angel.

Having a male female friendship going on in the most defining years of one’s adult life requires continuous work from both parties. Being intentional about my male bestie not being a place holder for my spouse , he exists before ,during and after romantic relationships and i would never trade his existence in my life for any thing . Because the need to have a truthful male perspective over things is always real. Looking back at what life has looked like for the both of us i cant help but be thankful that i met and experienced life with someone so well raised as a man , thus having one successfully story that i can look through so clearly without reserving any detail in it .

Before my privileges got stripped off when he decided to relocate i enjoyed a number of ” plus one ” company when his calendar matched mine . That male friend you carry along on a day you dnt what any male advances .The mistaken “is he the one ” during doctor’s appointments, family gathering , social media picture uploads. Well the explanations can get tiring so most times i dnt provide clarity, because i feel like most people’s questions are clearly based on their experiences so regardless of your explanations the questions will still exist.

Friendship with a different gender hits different when done RIGHT , you can term it as the reward of looking at the bigger picture . I hope this serves as a sign for anyone who is soul searching about different gender friendship but the work is twice bigger . I celebrate you Arthur Diego for the growth and experience we have shared together. I pray the years ahead of you enable you to experience life in a way that will fill your soul . Now there is still that one legend 🤣🤣🤣 who will still ask at the end of this well drafted collection of words. Why aren’t you dating him Clearly i have never been your teacher therefore i free myself from the way your brain contemplates on information

Cheers to years of meaningful friendships .Cheers to a life well lived with no limitations

Kind Regards

Nabatanzi Feewaiba @33

Author: nabatanzifeewaiba

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